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Christian Fantasy


El acoso 1
Simona Ahrnstedt All in (High Stakes) 1
Marion Zimmer Bradley L'esilio di Sharra 1
Chris Dolley Shift 1
Chiara Falai Alla ricerca del tesoro nascosto 1
Stefano Federici I demoni del ghiaccio 1
Daryl Gregory Afterparty 1
Charlaine Harris Midnight Crossroad 2
Rachel Hawkins Incantesimo. The Prodigium trilogy 1
Vincent James The Scroll of Suratican 1
Dean Koontz 77 Shadow Street 1
Andrzej Sapkowski Wiedzmin Ostatnie zyczenie 1
Astrid Scholte Four Dead Queens 1
Martin Scott Thraxas At War 1
Abbie Zanders More Than Mortal 1

[Correct the translation]