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Forum: Book condition

Sending large books (well over 1 pound and closer to 12 inches top to bottom)

Hello friends,
Generally speaking do larger books not get traded here? I have so many larger book cookbooks and craft for example that I thought of trading but they do weigh more. Do people shy away from offering larger books, ones that weigh a bit over 2 pounds?
Thanks in advance!

10 years ago


oops, my apologies I just saw that I posted in the condition discussion thread. I am not sure how to fix.
10 years ago
It absolutely gives me pause when a member asks for a book in perfect condition. Heck, these books are free and it costs the owner to send them to you. They are supposed to be for reading, not for selling. That is what Ebay and Amazon are for. Some of my books are more than 30 years old.

I am wondering if there is a way to permanently block a moocher? So that you don't have to reject requests from them, etc.

10 years ago
@LolaDolores some people do offer larger books, but largely in countries that have some kind of media mail option or if they live in a larger urban area with quite a few moochers and can offer to deliver it personally.

@Mitch I am sorry, there is no way to block a moocher. You can report them for abuse if you feel they have communicated to you in an offensive way. You can reject mooches from them if you feel that they give you unfair feedback. People here do not usually expect books to be in perfect condition. However, if there is noticeable wear, beyond what you would find from a better used book store, people do expect to see that reflected in condition notes. If your books are older, and you don't want to add condition notes for them all, a status message to the effect that your books are older and therefore have discolouration and wear and if more details are required please email, is usually helpful.

10 years ago
Thanks. I will write this moochers name down and reject his requests, if he does so again.
10 years ago
i've not had anyone decline a book/demand a book be in perfect condition. i _have_ had a person decline to send me a book because _i_ don't post outside the U.S.
What i have to say is that if you want perfect copies, then _buy_ it thru eBay,, or SellBackMyBook. Otherwise, you are not paying for the text, yes?
For myself, when i mooch, i want a readable copy, period.
i don't usually list condition, unless it's something held together with a rubberband!
10 years ago
If there is more than one copy of a book available for mooching, I am more likely to pick the one with condition notes.
10 years ago
I write condition notes whenever a book is not in good condition. doesn't allow for condition notes and is much more strict about what "good condition" means. Like some others posting here, I have sometimes been annoyed by PBS members sending me books that I cannot repost there if I want to follow the rules. Generally, I don't call them on it, but I did when one book had its photo section falling out (which was covered with dried muddy water stains, to boot), as well as a tree-identification handbook from which numerous pictures had been cut out. I got a very nice apology from the sender of the tree book; turns out he had posted a good-looking book he bought at a church sale without looking inside it!

Speaking as a moocher, there are some books that I would take in almost any condition because I am so eager to read them and can't find them anywhere else (barring missing pages, disgusting spill stains, and horrible smells--but moldy smells are OK when a book is old). That is one reason why I like Book Mooch. I want to READ the books, not put them on display or resell them.

I respect the views of people who say that *they* are very careful with their books so they expect excellent condition in what they get from moochers. I simply avoid sending to them, if I know about their needs in advance. If I have a book in perfect condition, I usually post it on PaperBackSwap. Not that I look down on Book Mooch; rather, I need to post some books at PBS if I want to be able to "pay for" the ones on my Wish List. I often put the same books on both my PBS and BM wish lists. I do find, though, that when I look at recently-posted books, PaperBackSwap is more likely to have the kind that I like to read. My tastes run to non-fiction and generally run away from best-sellers, lol.

9 years ago
I do hesitate to post very large, heavy books. Our income is limited. If encyclopedia-sized books and large "coffee table" books with heavy good paper brought in more points, I might reconsider. As things are now, Goodwill gets the heaviest ones.

It would be nice if books weighing, say, 2 lbs. or more brought in more points, the way international mooches do. Ideally, the number of points would somehow reflect the extra postage that higher weights cost, but I realize that would mean a lot of work for someone at BM to figure out--if it is even feasible.

9 years ago