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Forum: Angel Network Discussion

Angel network

I don't meant to be a complainer and I think the new forums are a great idea to make the angel request process easier but in some respects I don't think it is a fair system. I have signed up to be an "angel" but so far my name has not been added to the list (over a month ago) and every time I log on to the angel forum I am unable to help anyone as there seems to be a few "angels" in my country who are perpetually on the forums and snap up any angel requests almost immediately. Therefore they keep accruing more points than they could ever use and I am getting nowhere with mine.

Hmm maybe I should just do it the old-fashioned way and add a few more books to my inventory! :p

But seriously - should there be a limit to how many angel requests any one member can provide? I think so. At least the old system of checking the list for a prospective angel was fairer in that the moocher could choose who they wanted to mooch their book for them - therefore they could also choose the method of delivery (ie: surface mail due to airmail).

Just my thoughts.

13 years ago


Sorry I meant surface mail OR airmail.
13 years ago
Thanks Karen, you do have a point there about needing to be quick in order to grab a book for someone. I don't mean to point the finger at anyone but the fact is that there is an exchange of points involved - and the angel earns one "free" point for every book they mooch for someone. I just think there should be a fairer way for every potential angel to help someone and yes, also earn a free point if they want to, after all that is the incentive for sending overseas at a higher cost. In that way I thought the old system of having a list of angels was fairer to all but I guess you're right in that it was a slower process. I just don't think there should be an angel "monopoly" as there appears to be now on the angel forum.
13 years ago
While I understand your frustration with not being able to help people with Angel mooching, there are a few things that I do need to point out.

People have always been able to request Angels via the forums where anyone who sees it could respond to the request whether an "offical" Angel or not. The new forum is just more widely used than the old one was, and more visible, but people have always been able to post requests this way. There is also a thread on Library Thing where people also post their requests. But not everyone uses the forums and there are people who only make their Angel Requests via the listings of Angels and will probably continue to do so. I have received many requests this way, even since the new forums have been started.

The Angel List (like everything else on Bookmooch) is maintained by volunteers. Sometimes it can take them a while to get around to making the updates, but they will get to it. Just have a little patience and your name will be added.

As for getting more points, Angel Mooching is not the best way to increase your points. It actually costs more on a per point basis to send an Angel Mooch than to send a regular international mooch. You only net 2.2 points per Angel Mooch vs. 3.1 points for a regular international mooch (Angel Mooch: -1 for initial mooch, +.1 for marking received, +.1 for listing +3 for sending = 2.2 Regular international mooch +.1 for listing +3 for sending = 3.1).

So my advice if you really want to be a Bookmooch Angel is to keep checking the forum for those needing Angels, maybe send another request to have your name added to the list, and eventually things will work out.

13 years ago
Thanks everyone for their input. My faith in "angeling" is restored and I know most members become angels out of an altruistic desire to help others but my post was directed more at those who angel mooch so much you have to wonder what their motives are. But maybe I'm wrong Glenda and there are many more people who sit on the forums all day as a hobby. Fair enough. Also thanks for the tips but being a member for 4 years I am well aware of how it all works. I'm not just a whining newbie, this has been a genuine frustration for me ever since the new forums have been up!

Thank you Jon for your thoughts too - maybe I will just have to sit tight and wait for my name to be added to the list!

13 years ago
Tammie, have you signed up to get the angel mooch forum via email? I think that makes it easier for many people to respond to angel requests, since they see them fairly soon after they're posted, without needing to log on to the forum.

But never fear--there will come a time when someone will post a request and no one responds, and you'll get your chance. And now that I've figured out what country you're from, I'll keep you in mind for any requests I have. :)

13 years ago
Although I know I'm not in your country (therefore not "competing" for requests with you), I am one of those people that obsessively watches the angel forum. Part of it is wanting to help when I have points available and I also like to see what people are requesting to add to my wishlist if I'm interested. I have a job where I can sit on my computer a lot and I find it thrilling to help people when I can. I know speed is important, particularly for angeling, so I try to help out when I see something from the US.
13 years ago
Glenda, I guess there has to be a happy medium to angel-ing--but if I saw a request that was a few hours old and no one had yet responded, I'd jump on it too, for fear the book would be gone otherwise.
13 years ago
Please don't back off. As someone who has needed the services of an angel on more than one occasion I can tell you that in many cases the faster the better! If it is a highly wishlisted book if an angel doesn't move on it quickly the book will be mooched. Tammie, have you posted a message on the Angel request forum announcing your enthusiastic willingness to be an angel? Perhaps someone will see your notice and take you up on your offer.
13 years ago