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Points analysis

Name: Val Saichek (USA: OR)
User ID: vsaichek
Points: 7.5

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
6.5 +1 7.5 lost in the mail says book owner B00005W4EA Mariola (USA: NM) 2017/07/04
7.5 -1 6.5 deducted points for mooch request B00005W4EA Mariola (USA: NM) 2017/01/30
6.5 +1 7.5 lost in the mail says book owner 0442215312 Mel O'Connell (USA: MI) 2017/01/13
7.5 -1 6.5 deducted points for mooch request 0451170563 Martha Fulmer (USA: CA) 2016/11/14
8.5 -1 7.5 deducted points for mooch request 0442215312 Mel O'Connell (USA: MI) 2016/11/14
9.5 -1 8.5 deducted points for mooch request 0380979039 Cathy (USA: OH) 2016/11/14
10.5 -1 9.5 deducted points for mooch request 0886771048 Kar-bie (USA: LA) 2016/11/14
11.5 -1 10.5 deducted points for mooch request 0061092959 Yuba County Library (USA: CA) 2016/11/14
12.5 -1 11.5 deducted points for mooch request 0886773717 Bonnie S. (USA: FL) 2016/11/14
12.6 -0.1 12.5 removed book from inventory 0385484046 Val Saichek (USA: OR) 2016/09/20
12.7 -0.1 12.6 removed book from inventory 0764200240 Val Saichek (USA: OR) 2016/09/20
12.8 -0.1 12.7 removed book from inventory 0140073744 Val Saichek (USA: OR) 2016/09/20
12.9 -0.1 12.8 removed book from inventory 0449205037 Val Saichek (USA: OR) 2016/09/20
15.9 -3 12.9 deducted points for mooch request BM1466707569399566360 Antonio (EspaƱa) 2016/09/08
16.9 -1 15.9 mooch rejected by book owner 1617750301 Steven West (USA: TX) 2016/09/04
17 -0.1 16.9 removing book from inventory 1617750301 Val Saichek (USA: OR) 2016/09/04
18 -1 17 mooch rejected by book owner 0060924985 Sunny (USA: CA) 2016/09/04
18.1 -0.1 18 removing book from inventory 0060924985 Val Saichek (USA: OR) 2016/09/04
19.1 -1 18.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0151494754 Thea (USA: CA) 2016/09/04
19.2 -0.1 19.1 removing book from inventory 0151494754 Val Saichek (USA: OR) 2016/09/04
18.2 +1 19.2 gave points for mooch request 0151494754 Thea (USA: CA) 2016/08/20
17.2 +1 18.2 gave points for mooch request 1617750301 Steven West (USA: TX) 2016/07/28
16.2 +1 17.2 gave points for mooch request 0060924985 Sunny (USA: CA) 2016/06/29
15.2 +1 16.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0385474547 Aubitronic (USA: PA) 2016/06/15
16.2 -1 15.2 deducted points for mooch request 0385474547 Aubitronic (USA: PA) 2016/06/15
17.2 -1 16.2 deducted points for mooch request 0385474547 Lisa S (USA) 2016/04/14
16.2 +1 17.2 gave points for mooch request 0151649340 Steven West (USA: TX) 2015/07/20
17.2 -1 16.2 mooch rejected by book owner 189065096X Donna (USA) 2015/07/16
17.3 -0.1 17.2 removing book from inventory 189065096X Val Saichek (USA: OR) 2015/07/16
18.3 -1 17.3 deducted points for mooch request 0142001805 vkanids (USA: KS) 2015/07/12
17.3 +1 18.3 gave points for mooch request 189065096X Donna (USA) 2015/06/18
16.3 +1 17.3 gave points for mooch request 0062080237 kjw (USA: CA) 2015/06/13
15.3 +1 16.3 gave points for mooch request 0385721676 averybird (USA: WA) 2015/06/13
15.2 +0.1 15.3 added book to inventory 1617750301 Val Saichek (USA: OR) 2015/06/13
15.1 +0.1 15.2 added book to inventory 189065096X Val Saichek (USA: OR) 2015/06/13
15 +0.1 15.1 added book to inventory 0449205037 Val Saichek (USA: OR) 2015/06/13
14.9 +0.1 15 added book to inventory 0062080237 Val Saichek (USA: OR) 2015/06/13
14.8 +0.1 14.9 added book to inventory 0385721676 Val Saichek (USA: OR) 2015/06/13
14.7 +0.1 14.8 added book to inventory 0140073744 Val Saichek (USA: OR) 2015/06/13
14.6 +0.1 14.7 added book to inventory 0060924985 Val Saichek (USA: OR) 2015/06/13
14.7 -0.1 14.6 removed book from inventory B000K0AKH8 Val Saichek (USA: OR) 2015/06/13
15.7 -1 14.7 mooch rejected by book owner 0804115761 Chris Lannin (USA: MN) 2015/06/13
15.8 -0.1 15.7 removing book from inventory 0804115761 Val Saichek (USA: OR) 2015/06/13
14.8 +1 15.8 gave points for mooch request 0425038610 Tom C (USA: IL) 2015/06/08
13.8 +1 14.8 gave points for mooch request 0804115761 Chris Lannin (USA: MN) 2015/05/07
14.8 -1 13.8 deducted points for mooch request 0449908747 artglassworld (USA: CA) 2015/01/11
15.8 -1 14.8 mooch rejected by book owner 1853260991 Rachel Jones (USA: CO) 2014/06/20
15.9 -0.1 15.8 removing book from inventory 1853260991 Val Saichek (USA: OR) 2014/06/20
14.9 +1 15.9 gave points for mooch request 1853260991 Rachel Jones (USA: CO) 2014/06/17
15.9 -1 14.9 mooch rejected by book owner 0445204524 Bill W (USA: CA) 2014/06/09