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Points analysis

Name: Sam(antha) (Australia)
User ID: samismad
Points: 209.8

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
212.8 -3 209.8 deducted points for mooch request 0884861996 Carleva Jones (USA: AR) 2013/02/13
215.8 -3 212.8 deducted points for mooch request 0830726535 RRHowell (USA: PA) 2012/01/29
218.8 -3 215.8 deducted points for mooch request 0460878204 Tobi (United Kingdom) 2012/01/12
221.8 -3 218.8 deducted points for mooch request B000KUJ8FI lbjanieb (USA: CA) 2011/10/09
224.8 -3 221.8 deducted points for mooch request 0764223305 BarbaraS (Canada) 2011/08/22
227.8 -3 224.8 deducted points for mooch request 0689870051 Melissa (United Kingdom) 2011/08/14
230.8 -3 227.8 deducted points for mooch request 0968351360 Donna (USA) 2011/08/13
233.8 -3 230.8 deducted points for mooch request 0883681870 Donna (USA) 2011/08/13
236.8 -3 233.8 deducted points for mooch request 1598690698 Donna (USA) 2011/08/13
238.8 -2 236.8 deducted points for mooch request 0830834753 Rachelle (USA: IL) 2011/04/05
240.8 -2 238.8 deducted points for mooch request 0882709305 Alan Livensperger (USA: FL) 2011/04/03
242.8 -2 240.8 deducted points for mooch request 0800794788 Wildrose8 (Canada) 2011/03/05
242.9 -0.1 242.8 removed book from inventory B002N7UPPS Sam(antha) (Australia) 2011/02/10
239.9 +3 242.9 gave points for mooch request 0330300172 Jakob Smith (Denmark) 2011/02/05
236.9 +3 239.9 gave points for mooch request 0140319409 Marcus (USA: LA) 2011/02/05
233.9 +3 236.9 gave points for mooch request 0345334361 mcfluf (USA: PA) 2011/02/05
230.9 +3 233.9 gave points for mooch request 0140319387 mcfluf (USA: PA) 2011/02/05
227.9 +3 230.9 gave points for mooch request 0140319395 mcfluf (USA: PA) 2011/02/04
227.8 +0.1 227.9 added book to inventory 0345334361 Sam(antha) (Australia) 2011/02/04
227.7 +0.1 227.8 added book to inventory 0140319409 Sam(antha) (Australia) 2011/02/04
227.6 +0.1 227.7 added book to inventory 0330300172 Sam(antha) (Australia) 2011/02/04
227.5 +0.1 227.6 added book to inventory 0140319387 Sam(antha) (Australia) 2011/01/19
227.4 +0.1 227.5 added book to inventory 0140319395 Sam(antha) (Australia) 2011/01/19
224.4 +3 227.4 gave points for mooch request 0140319417 Aaron (USA: VA) 2011/01/16
223.4 +1 224.4 gave points for mooch request 0553289594 Elise M. (Australia) 2011/01/13
223.3 +0.1 223.4 added book to inventory 0140319417 Sam(antha) (Australia) 2011/01/13
223.2 +0.1 223.3 added book to inventory 0553289594 Sam(antha) (Australia) 2011/01/13
223.1 +0.1 223.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0801033373 Jenny (Australia) 2011/01/13
223 +0.1 223.1 added book to inventory B002N7UPPS Sam(antha) (Australia) 2011/01/06
222.9 +0.1 223 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0883683326 Leong (Singapore) 2011/01/05
223.9 -1 222.9 deducted points for mooch request 0801033373 Jenny (Australia) 2011/01/03
223.8 +0.1 223.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1933228008 novasong (USA: VA) 2010/12/26
223.7 +0.1 223.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1847240712 DubaiReader (United Arab Emirates) 2010/12/21
225.7 -2 223.7 deducted points for mooch request 0883683326 Leong (Singapore) 2010/12/21
227.7 -2 225.7 deducted points for mooch request 1933228008 novasong (USA: VA) 2010/12/09
224.7 +3 227.7 gave points for mooch request 0890515298 Ann (USA: MD) 2010/11/09
224.6 +0.1 224.7 added book to inventory 0890515298 Sam(antha) (Australia) 2010/11/05
221.6 +3 224.6 gave points for mooch request 1601422210 Bronwyn (USA: SC) 2010/10/29
218.6 +3 221.6 gave points for mooch request 0768424275 Alice (United Kingdom) 2010/10/26
218.5 +0.1 218.6 added book to inventory 1601422210 Sam(antha) (Australia) 2010/10/26
218.4 +0.1 218.5 added book to inventory 0768424275 Sam(antha) (Australia) 2010/10/25
218.3 +0.1 218.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0590460579 Tara (USA: IN) 2010/10/13
220.3 -2 218.3 deducted points for mooch request 1847240712 DubaiReader (United Arab Emirates) 2010/10/12
222.3 -2 220.3 deducted points for mooch request 0590460579 Tara (USA: IN) 2010/09/27
222.2 +0.1 222.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book B003UMPOKG Ministry of the Word Library (Australia) 2010/09/07
222.3 -0.1 222.2 removed book from inventory 0393925358 Sam(antha) (Australia) 2010/09/07
222.4 -0.1 222.3 removed book from inventory 0736907289 Sam(antha) (Australia) 2010/09/07
222.5 -0.1 222.4 removed book from inventory 0801013321 Sam(antha) (Australia) 2010/09/07
222.6 -0.1 222.5 removed book from inventory B00163JXNU Sam(antha) (Australia) 2010/09/07
222.7 -0.1 222.6 removed book from inventory 3829031009 Sam(antha) (Australia) 2010/09/07