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Points analysis

Name: Joyce (Canada)
User ID: sakurajoyce
Points: 20.2

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
23.2 -3 20.2 deducted points for mooch request 9780312351670 Dragana (Bosnia and Herzegowina) 2022/09/19
24.2 -1 23.2 deducted points for mooch request 0385678126 Heather Hamelin (Canada) 2021/06/02
21.2 +3 24.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0671744593 Harvey (USA: OR) 2018/02/11
24.2 -3 21.2 deducted points for mooch request 0671744593 Harvey (USA: OR) 2018/02/11
27.2 -3 24.2 deducted points for mooch request 0515134007 Custódia (Portugal) 2015/02/03
30.2 -3 27.2 deducted points for mooch request 1416540946 wired_lain (Japan) 2012/11/02
33.2 -3 30.2 deducted points for mooch request 1416503617 wired_lain (Japan) 2012/11/02
32.2 +1 33.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0374500010 Kollette (Canada) 2012/04/20
31.2 +1 32.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0374500010 Jesse Ward (Canada) 2012/04/18
32.2 -1 31.2 deducted points for mooch request 0374500010 Kollette (Canada) 2012/04/18
33.2 -1 32.2 deducted points for mooch request 0374500010 Jesse Ward (Canada) 2012/03/17
36.2 -3 33.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425228207 alfette (USA: CA) 2011/12/23
39.2 -3 36.2 deducted points for mooch request 0804119856 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2011/11/23
39.3 -0.1 39.2 removed book from inventory 0515102636 Joyce (Canada) 2011/11/19
39.4 -0.1 39.3 removed book from inventory 0061084441 Joyce (Canada) 2011/11/19
39.5 -0.1 39.4 removed book from inventory 037328134X Joyce (Canada) 2011/11/19
39.6 -0.1 39.5 removed book from inventory 0380754371 Joyce (Canada) 2011/11/19
39.7 -0.1 39.6 removed book from inventory 1400082773 Joyce (Canada) 2011/11/19
39.8 -0.1 39.7 removed book from inventory 0671880608 Joyce (Canada) 2011/11/19
39.9 -0.1 39.8 removed book from inventory 0671795554 Joyce (Canada) 2011/11/19
40 -0.1 39.9 removed book from inventory 0345479912 Joyce (Canada) 2011/11/19
40.1 -0.1 40 removed book from inventory 0778325350 Joyce (Canada) 2011/11/19
40.2 -0.1 40.1 removed book from inventory 0380753022 Joyce (Canada) 2011/11/19
40.3 -0.1 40.2 removed book from inventory 0380756285 Joyce (Canada) 2011/11/19
40.4 -0.1 40.3 removed book from inventory 1842550942 Joyce (Canada) 2011/11/19
40.5 -0.1 40.4 removed book from inventory 0380794802 Joyce (Canada) 2011/11/19
40.6 -0.1 40.5 removed book from inventory 0143037145 Joyce (Canada) 2011/11/19
40.7 -0.1 40.6 removed book from inventory 0671743805 Joyce (Canada) 2011/11/19
40.8 -0.1 40.7 removed book from inventory 0671644475 Joyce (Canada) 2011/11/19
40.9 -0.1 40.8 removed book from inventory 0671028227 Joyce (Canada) 2011/11/19
41 -0.1 40.9 removed book from inventory 0440242975 Joyce (Canada) 2011/11/19
41.1 -0.1 41 removed book from inventory 1401303277 Joyce (Canada) 2011/11/19
41.2 -0.1 41.1 removed book from inventory 055358393X Joyce (Canada) 2011/10/21
41.3 -0.1 41.2 removed book from inventory 0590975986 Joyce (Canada) 2011/10/21
41.2 +0.1 41.3 added book to inventory 0671028227 Joyce (Canada) 2011/10/21
41.3 -0.1 41.2 removed book from inventory 0451408136 Joyce (Canada) 2011/10/21
41.4 -0.1 41.3 removed book from inventory 9780451229526 Joyce (Canada) 2011/10/21
41.5 -0.1 41.4 removed book from inventory 0380775727 Joyce (Canada) 2011/10/21
41.6 -0.1 41.5 removed book from inventory 0373290349 Joyce (Canada) 2011/10/21
41.7 -0.1 41.6 removed book from inventory 0553574094 Joyce (Canada) 2011/10/21
41.8 -0.1 41.7 removed book from inventory 0515110973 Joyce (Canada) 2011/10/21
41.9 -0.1 41.8 removed book from inventory 0345500741 Joyce (Canada) 2011/10/21
42 -0.1 41.9 removed book from inventory 0671034022 Joyce (Canada) 2011/10/21
42.1 -0.1 42 removed book from inventory 9780061354168 Joyce (Canada) 2011/10/21
42.2 -0.1 42.1 removed book from inventory 1439131163 Joyce (Canada) 2011/10/21
42.3 -0.1 42.2 removed book from inventory 0671003364 Joyce (Canada) 2011/10/21
42.4 -0.1 42.3 removed book from inventory 0671028227 Joyce (Canada) 2011/10/21
45.4 -3 42.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 1400082773 maxfam3 (USA: VA) 2011/10/17
42.4 +3 45.4 gave points for mooch request 1400082773 maxfam3 (USA: VA) 2011/09/27
39.4 +3 42.4 gave points for mooch request 0060772913 Frédérique (France) 2011/08/30