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Points analysis

Name: karengilmartin (United Kingdom)
User ID: karengilmartin
Points: 2.3

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
3.3 -1 2.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0722540442 Victoria (United Kingdom) 2011/03/17
4.3 -1 3.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0007116055 Michelle Abbott (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
5.3 -1 4.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0875420133 Cara (United Kingdom) 2010/09/03
6.3 -1 5.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0878771387 Cara (United Kingdom) 2010/09/03
7.3 -1 6.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0722533942 Michelle Abbott (United Kingdom) 2010/07/26
6.3 +1 7.3 gave points for mooch request 0875420133 Cara (United Kingdom) 2010/07/22
5.3 +1 6.3 gave points for mooch request 0878771387 Cara (United Kingdom) 2010/07/22
4.3 +1 5.3 gave points for mooch request 0722533942 Michelle Abbott (United Kingdom) 2010/07/21
3.3 +1 4.3 gave points for mooch request 0007116055 Michelle Abbott (United Kingdom) 2010/07/21
2.3 +1 3.3 gave points for mooch request 0722540442 Victoria (United Kingdom) 2010/07/18
3.3 -1 2.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0722540442 Huw Hennessy (United Kingdom) 2007/11/11
4.3 -1 3.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0007116055 Bart (United Kingdom) 2007/07/13
3.3 +1 4.3 gave points for mooch request 0722540442 Huw Hennessy (United Kingdom) 2007/06/07
2.3 +1 3.3 gave points for mooch request 0007116055 Bart (United Kingdom) 2007/06/04
3.3 -1 2.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0722536542 marilyn wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2007/06/04
3.2 +0.1 3.3 added book to inventory 0553505556 karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2007/06/04
3.1 +0.1 3.2 added book to inventory 0007116055 karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2007/06/04
2.1 +1 3.1 gave points for mooch request 0722536542 marilyn wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2007/05/26
2 +0.1 2.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0722537506 Gillian (United Kingdom) 2007/05/25
2.1 -0.1 2 removed book from inventory 0007231474 karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2007/05/19
1.1 +1 2.1 gave points for mooch request 014023750X Lauren Holmes (United Kingdom) 2007/05/12
0.1 +1 1.1 lost in the mail says book owner 156718166X Tamsyn (United Kingdom) 2007/05/11
0 +0.1 0.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0007236441 marilyn wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2007/04/29
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 0007236441 marilyn wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2007/04/24
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 1859060706 karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2007/04/24
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 014023750X karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2007/04/24
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 0670882801 karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2007/04/24
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory 0722540442 karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2007/04/24
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 0722533942 karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2007/04/24
0.4 +0.1 0.5 added book to inventory 0722536542 karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2007/04/24
1.4 -1 0.4 deducted points for mooch request 0722537506 Gillian (United Kingdom) 2007/04/24
0.4 +1 1.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0718141784 Ann (United Kingdom) 2007/04/17
1.4 -1 0.4 deducted points for mooch request 156718166X Tamsyn (United Kingdom) 2007/04/03
2.4 -1 1.4 deducted points for mooch request 0718141784 Ann (United Kingdom) 2007/04/02
1.4 +1 2.4 gave points for mooch request 000719465X DubaiReader (United Arab Emirates) 2007/03/18
0.4 +1 1.4 gave points for mooch request 0586080554 DubaiReader (United Arab Emirates) 2007/03/17
0.3 +0.1 0.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0062515160 karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2007/01/28
0.2 +0.1 0.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1852306165 karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2007/01/28
0.1 +0.1 0.2 added book to inventory 0140277633 karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2007/01/22
0 +0.1 0.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553813803 karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2007/01/22
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 0062515160 karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2007/01/14
0 +1 1 gave points for mooch request 0415101085 Richard (United Kingdom) 2007/01/12
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 1852306165 karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2007/01/09
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 0586080554 karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2007/01/09
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 0007231474 karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2007/01/09
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 000719465X karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2007/01/09
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory 0415101085 karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2007/01/09
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 0007145934 karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2006/12/31
1.5 -1 0.5 deducted points for mooch request 0553813803 karengilmartin (United Kingdom) 2006/12/31
0.5 +1 1.5 gave points for mooch request 0316729922 Snesgirl (United Kingdom) 2006/12/28