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ginnygail (USA: ME) : friends

Friends of: ginnygail (USA: ME)

Britt (USA: NH)

Janie (USA: CA)

Emily (USA: NY)

Kate (USA: CA)

James Turner Gray Mouser (USA: OH)

^Mary^ (USA: FL)

kisah (USA: FL)

Lisa Wenner (USA: PA)Lisa could be the poster person for BookMooch!

Margaret H. (USA: NM)I always enjoy our email exchanges. Very thoughtful member of the Mooch community!

khmmom (USA: OH)

Ana (USA: NV)

mrsjones74728 (USA: OK)

Donna (USA: MA)

Kathy Arkwright (United Kingdom)

Tori (USA: PA)

Sandra Faherty (USA: FL)

Heok Hee (Singapore)

Cindi (USA: WA)

Andrea (USA: PA)

What this person's friends have to say about 'ginnygail (USA: ME)':

Kathy Arkwright (United Kingdom): "Absolutely wonderful lady - so kind and helpful. Thank you for being one of my friends."