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catsalive (Australia) : friends

Friends of: catsalive (Australia)

Lauren (United Kingdom)

dawn (Canada)Hi Dawn :0)

Melissa (Australia)

catsintheshire (Australia)

cynthia (USA: NY)

Sonja (USA: IL)An angelic moocher.

Delia (Australia)

DrCris (Australia)

freelunch (Australia)I have swapped many a book with this generous BookCrosser.

Jubby (Australia)

k00kaburra (USA: CA)Hiya Suzy! How's life in sunny CA?

kisah (USA: FL)

Leeny (Australia)

lmn60 (Australia)I now have a face for the name. Tough but fair, miss! LOL!

luckydipper (Australia)

MarleneNL (Netherlands)

nancy (Australia)

Nada (Australia)

Nicole (Germany)My fellow regency-lover & a generous BookCrosser & BookMoocher.

Kathy Arkwright (United Kingdom)

penelopewanders (France)

Pinshnowdy (Australia)

SKingList (USA: NY)

Mrs Roach (Australia)

tinuviel (Australia)A fellow mystery lover, at a guess :0)

Tribefan (USA: NC)

Woosang (Australia)A fellow Aussie, Moocher & Crosser.

What this person's friends have to say about 'catsalive (Australia)':

k00kaburra (USA: CA): "BookCrosser from Down Under - neat!"
lmn60 (Australia): "A really generous bookcrossing type!"
Nicole (Germany): "Thanks for sending books to me in Germany.(BC)"
Kathy Arkwright (United Kingdom): "Thank you Kylie. Great fun mooching with you from the other side of the world! Love Kathy"
SKingList (USA: NY): "An Australian BookCrosser who I met while travelling around Australia."
Woosang (Australia): "Aussie Bookcrosser and Club_Vladder"