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Abra Ebner : Feather Book One

Author: Abra Ebner
Title: Feather Book One
Moochable copies: No copies available
Binding: Kindle Edition
Pages: 352
Date: 2008-12-12
ISBN: B001O2SO42
Publisher: Crimson Oak Publishing
Edition: Second
Description: Product Description
Estella’s secretly talented life as an orphan has finally come to an end. At eighteen she can finally be free to run her own life and embrace her magical talents. Ever since she can remember, she has never been happy, has never smiled, and has never felt like she’d even had a soul. As she heads off to a secluded college in the North Cascades of Washington, she is hopeful that getting away from Seattle will be escape enough for her to finally find herself. As she settles in, her life suddenly takes an unexpected turn when the solitude and seclusion she was hoping for unfolds into a past life she never knew she’d lived. In the forests of the ancient past, she finds exactly what it was that she’d always been missing, not just her soul, but also the most important piece of herself. Her magical world expands into a place that finally feels like home, and takes her inner creativity, and love, to a higher and deeper level.
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