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: Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe: The Thomas Carlyle Translation with a New Introduction By Franz Schoenberner and Illustrations By William Sharp

Title: Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe: The Thomas Carlyle Translation with a New Introduction By Franz Schoenberner and Illustrations By William Sharp
Moochable copies: No copies available
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 567
Date: 1959
Publisher: The Heritage Press, New York
Weight: 3.35 pounds
Size: 7.2 x 10.8 x 1.6 inches
1Ralphyoats (USA).
Description: Product Description
"It has been said that a classic is a book everybody talks about and nobody reads. This is not quite true, because there have always been, and in every country, certain classics which are read continuously by anybody who can claim a certain degree of education. Corneille and Racine are still living auhors in France, and even today cantos from Dante or Tasso are recited by the Italian man-in-the-street at the slightest provocation. Here in this country the tradition of being brought up with Shakespeare and the Bible was alive at least until the end of the nineteenth century. And in a similar way the slowly vanishing generation of Germans born around 1890 grew up with Goethe and Schiller and other famous classical authors whose complete works, or "Klassiker Ausgaben," usually bound in ugly cloth with gold filigree, belonged as much to the furniture of every gute Stube (drawing roon) as the sofa in red plush. There was even a typical expression indicating a special intimary with Goethe: one use to speak of Gorthe=Deutsche (Geothe-Germans), which may account for the strange phonomenon that so many German authores in their later years began to imitate the Qlympian at Titude, the style, and if possible, even the imposting looks of the old Minister von Goethe..." (from introduction)
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