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Eric Shapiro : Days of Allison

Author: Eric Shapiro
Title: Days of Allison
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 96
Date: 2006-11-13
ISBN: 1905100205
Publisher: Crowswing Books
Weight: 0.2 pounds
Size: 5.4 x 8.3 x 0.3 inches
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Previous givers: 1 Kimmel (USA: IN)
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3joy_c (USA: PA), Trin (USA: CA), Trekkie (USA: NC).
Description: Product Description
"Shapiro studies this in great detail, letting us get to know the very credible intricacies and eccentricities of his character before flipping the coin over and allowing us to see what makes Allison what she is, or what she is not. It's a compelling tale, and one that does everything right, leaving you wondering who the real artificial lifeform of the story is, and forcing us to question everything we take for granted about human nature. It's a story about love, hate, and identity. Phillip K. Dick would have been proud of this tale, and you, dear reader, have my envy that you're about to experience it for the first time." from the introduction of Days of Allison by Kealan Patrick Burke. With his third title, "Days of Allison," Eric explores the ways in which technology dilutes communication and human relationships. This is a stunning new novella from American author, Eric Shapiro, whose reputation as an important voice in post-modern sci-fi/fantasy/horror genres has seen praise from respected and award-winning authors such as Jack McDervitt, James Rollins, Tim Lebbon, Elizabeth Massie, Michael Oliveri, Neil Ayres, Christopher Fowler, Kealan Patrick Burke, and many others.
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