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B. Bradbury : Obliged to Bend

Author: B. Bradbury
Title: Obliged to Bend
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 240
Date: 2003-07-01
ISBN: 1903931509
Publisher: Chimera Publishing Ltd
Weight: 0.3 pounds
Size: 4.38 x 7.2 x 0.66 inches
Previous givers: 1 Caitie (Canada)
Previous moochers: 1 KimN (USA: CA)
2Katelyn (USA: MN), Rachelle (Philippines).
Reviews: Caitie (Canada) (2008/04/06):
It is the winter of 1896, and the happiest man in England is surely James Montgomery. Following the death of a distant cousin, the middle-aged bachelor finds himself guardian to three young women: Cathy, Victoria and Elizabeth. A lifelong disciplinarian, James has fiendish plans for his wards - plans that involve his impressive collection of canes, straps, paddles and whips. The staff must also submit to the master's will, as maids Alic and Rose soon discover.

To help him achieve his nefarious ends, James appoints a new governess: beautiful and buxom Irene Hammond, herself a devotee of the art of correction, but blissfully unaware that James has secret plans for her too.

With Irene's assistance, first Victoria, then Cathy fall prey to their guardian's scheming, and feel the sting of tawse and paddle on tender young flesh. Now only the clever and lovely Elizabeth eludes his grasp...but for how much longer can she hold out?

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