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Paul Williams : Evil Empire: John Gilligan, His Gang and the Execution of Journalist Veonica Guerin

Author: Paul Williams
Title: Evil Empire: John Gilligan, His Gang and the Execution of Journalist Veonica Guerin
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 360
Date: 2002-05-28
ISBN: 1903582075
Publisher: Merlin Publishing
Weight: 0.71 pounds
Size: 5.2 x 7.56 x 1.26 inches
Previous givers: 1 Mollymoon007 (Ireland)
Previous moochers: 1 Anne (Ireland)
1Swift (USA: CO).
Description: Product Description
This is the chilling chronicle of John Gilligan, Ireland's most ruthless godfather. Gilligan thought himself untouchable and above the law-until his gang crossed the line by executing crime reporter Veronica Guerin. The full measure of Gilligan's criminal activities is revealed through the retelling of his many petty crimes, his role in a new generation of thieves specializing in robbing warehouses and factories, his formation of a multimillion-dollar drug empire, and his rule over one of the most dangerous criminal organizations to emerge from the underworld. Also examined is the unprecedented effect Guerin's murder had on Irish society and how it led to the establishment of tighter controls over gang crime and, in particular, the Criminal Assets Bureau and the Witness Protection Program, which eventually led to the collapse of the Gilligan empire. Included are previously unpublished facts about the Gilligan crime organization and the murder.
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