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Audrey B. Chapman : Sometimes Rhythm, Sometimes Blues: Young African Americans on Love, Relationships, Sex, and the Search for Mr. Right

Author: Audrey B. Chapman
Title: Sometimes Rhythm, Sometimes Blues: Young African Americans on Love, Relationships, Sex, and the Search for Mr. Right
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 256
Date: 2003-12-24
ISBN: 1580050964
Publisher: Seal Press
Weight: 0.1 pounds
Size: 5.47 x 0.83 x 8.15 inches
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1MaddieA (USA: IA).
Description: Product Description
Today’s women expect it all: a successful career, an understanding and equally successful mate, and children--all wrapped up in a white picket fence. But recent studies show that while black women have ascended to form a new middle class and have attained success in the business sector, black men haven’t followed suit. Perhaps as a result, with other sociological and economic factors at play, many successful sistahs are having trouble finding a partner to call their own. This groundbreaking anthology explores the many reasons why--analyzing materialism and financial expectations, single motherhood, bling bling culture, media representations of African-American gender roles, missing fathers, incarcerated partners, and more--and offers hope from women who have beaten the odds. Writers including Kevin Powell and Victor LaValle weigh in on the men’s side in a "Talking Back" section, while female contributors include Kiini Ibura Asalaam, Shawn E. Rhea, Shani O’Neal, and Asha Bandele.
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