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Stephen Strum : A Primer on Prostate Cancer: The Empowered Patient's Guide

Author: Stephen Strum
Title: A Primer on Prostate Cancer: The Empowered Patient's Guide
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 188
Date: 2005-02-01
ISBN: 0965877779
Publisher: Life Extension Publications Inc
Weight: 1.35 pounds
Size: 0.75 x 5.5 x 8.5 inches
Edition: 2
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Previous givers: 1 Mona Higley (USA: CA)
Previous moochers: 1 Donna (USA)
1Mona Higley (USA: CA).
Description: Product Description
A Primer on Prostate Cancer, The Empowered Patient’s Guide¨ is a basic resource to be used by patients and physicians when there has been a diagnosis of prostate cancer. It outlines a strategy of disease management that is designed to maximize outcomes for the patient and his loved ones. All aspects of diagnosis and testing are discussed; all currently approved treatments for prostate cancer are described. Discussion of treatment options includes information on side effects and includes questions the patient may not think to ask his doctor. Discussions of various treatments include the salvage therapies that might be employed if primary treatment fails. There is an extensive section on the theory and practice of androgen deprivation therapy in its various forms, since many patients have need of this type of information. There is a discussion of “Treatments on the Horizon” for the patient who is interested in the ongoing research in the world of prostate cancer. This is a current, comprehensive guide to prostate cancer presented in understandable terms with a user-friendly color format that will help the reader educate himself about prostate cancer. The book strives to help patients and their loved ones to combat ignorance and fear, replacing that with the empowerment of education.
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