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Sybil Stanton : The 25 Hour Woman; Managing Your Time And Life

Author: Sybil Stanton
Title: The 25 Hour Woman; Managing Your Time And Life
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 256
Date: 1986
ISBN: 0800714873
Publisher: Fleming H Revell Co
Weight: 0.9 pounds
Size: 5.6 x 8.4 x 1.0 inches
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Previous givers: 1 Linda Williams (USA: CA)
Previous moochers: 1 Mike Chaffee (USA: MI)
1WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria).
Description: Product Description
You can't make sense and order out of your day unless you first make sense of your life. This is the crux of The 25-Hour Woman ®. Many people struggle with the tension they feel between all the things they have to do, or even want to do, and the limited time they have in which to do them. And, much of the time they end up living according to pressures rather than priorities. In The 25-Hour Woman ®, Sybil Stanton asks the questions:

* Are the things you're doing now fulfilling your purpose in life?
* Is your endless to-do list really necessary?
* Is there a way off this treadmill of activity that can help you function more happily and effectively?

With an appealing combination of wit and common sense, this author takes her readers through the steps of life planning, showing how to:

* Do less and get more done
* Avoid feeling victimized by conflicting demands
* Relax without feeling guilty
* Be better disciplined yet more flexible
* Say "no" to doing too much
* Enjoy rather than endure the process of life

The 25-Hour Woman ® provides a framework for looking at who you are, how you uniquely operate, and what you want out of life, and then helps you set realistic expectations in keeping with your objectives. It shows you how to establish one aim before pursuing countless activities.

The 25-Hour Woman ® will liberate you off the treadmill and into a calm and productive pace of living.

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