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Julie Kenner : Aphrodite's Flame

Author: Julie Kenner
Title: Aphrodite's Flame
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Published in: English
Binding: Mass Market Paperback
Pages: 338
Date: 2004-08-01
ISBN: 0505525755
Publisher: Love Spell
Weight: 0.79 pounds
Size: 4.38 x 6.82 x 0.98 inches
Edition: First Edition
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Aphrodite's Flame
Reviews: Judy (USA: AZ) (2013/08/01):
Aphrodite’s Flame by Julie Kenner
Protectors/Superhero Series Book 4 (6th story)
Mordichai Black didn’t have much going his way. His Outcast Protector father hated mortals and Mordi was a Halfling. His mortal mother considered him a freak and sent him to his loveless evil father. Mordi was caught up in a world of wanting to be a good Protector and yet yearning his father’s affection. Finally he realized that only one of those things would be possible for him.

Isole Frost had to face the fact that other Protectors believed that she didn’t earn her status as a Protector or her new promotion, but that it had been handed to her as the niece of the High Elder. On top of all that she now has a high profile case of an Outcast she needs to test to see if he really is a good guy now and can be reinstated to the Council. And then there’s the handsome guy working with her who’s dangerous to her in more than one way.

Mordi is one of those characters who’s been in most all of the books. You can see where the war between good and evil is fought within him and that he’s just a lost little boy. You rooted for him to do the right thing, but his desire for Dearest Daddy’s love was just too strong. It made this story all the more exciting. As with the previous books the author brings in the other characters. It’s been my favorite kind of series as they had roles in their own books as well as the other stories. The final story is in the Anthology: These Boots Were Made for Stomping – A Step in the Right Direction.
**Sexual content

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