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Joe Vitale : The Awakening Course: The Secret to Solving All Problems

Author: Joe Vitale
Title: The Awakening Course: The Secret to Solving All Problems
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Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 241
Date: 2010-12-21
ISBN: 0470888032
Publisher: Wiley
Weight: 0.97 pounds
Size: 6.38 x 0.9 x 9.33 inches
Edition: 1
Description: Product Description
Awaken to what's possible in your life with a complete mind, body, and spiritual transformation-based on a highly successful course!

The Awakening Course is Joe Vitale's most recent breakthrough program explaining the four stages of awakening. This thought-provoking book builds on everything Vitale has written and recorded to date, taking you to a whole new level of personal and professional transcendence.

Not only does Joe give you a proven step-by-step approach for finding and achieving your goals and desires, he shows how you can reach these goals while pursuing complete mind, body, and spiritual transformation.

  • Discover new perspectives on money, role models, and the power of your unconscious
  • Re-state complaints into positive life-changing intentions, and turn your fears into a catalyst for success
  • 5 steps for attracting anything or anyone into your life
  • Joe Vitale is the author of the bestselling The Attractor Factor and The Key

The Awakening Course goes beyond money and material concerns to take you to a place of transcendence. Discover your own beliefs about money, love, and most everything else-and align them to reach long-term, holistic success using Vitale's signature wisdom.

Q&A with Author Joe Vitale

Author Joe Vitale
What can readers expect to get out of this book?
The solution to all problems. It's a tall order, but the book reveals that you have to transcend problems to solve them. I've taken Einstein's quote about not being able to solve problems with the same mind that created them and turned it into a how-to formula. The book reveals that secret.

The book is set up to guide readers through the four stages of the awakening process. How important is it to follow each step before moving on to the next?
It's essential. Life is a process of awakening. There are four stages to it. No one that I know of jumps to stage four without going through the first three stages.

Is there a personal story behind the writing of this book?
This book is an extension of my own awakening. My life-long search for ways to help people, which I recorded in my other books, led to a spontaneous understanding of how life works. I found this to be the secret to living a life of happiness. I recorded my insights and that CD program sold out instantly. I later turned that program into this book.

You’ve previously shared the Awakening Course in CD format. What are some of the success stories people have shared with you after they’ve taken the course journey?
I've heard everything from spontaneous healings to people attracting wealth and romance and everything in between. I'd say the greatest responses have been from people who suddenly feel happy; they are alive again and now feel they understand how to resolve any problem or challenge they face. It's incredible, and very gratifying to me as the author.

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