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Judy Blume : Double Fudge

Author: Judy Blume
Title: Double Fudge
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 208
Date: 2003-07-04
ISBN: 0330413546
Publisher: Macmillan Children's Books
Weight: 0.35 pounds
Size: 0.51 x 5.12 x 7.76 inches
Edition: Reprints
Previous givers: 3 Janine (United Kingdom), Add (United Kingdom), Add (United Kingdom)
Previous moochers: 3 jo rutterford (United Kingdom), bex (United Kingdom), sophiesoph (United Kingdom)
Description: Product Description
Double Fudge

Amazon Review
Double Fudge continues the embarrassing adventures of Peter Hatcher's little brother Fudge. Now aged five and back in New York he is causing 12-year-old Peter as much pain and nuisance as in the previous stories, begun with Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. Narrated sensitively by Peter, this instalment covers Fudge's obsession with money (and thus, with his new rich friend Richie Potter), his horror at finding there's another Farley Drexel in the world, getting Uncle Feather to talk and the realisation by Peter that Fudge is growing up.

The presence of Harry Potter, the internet and mobile phones will appear as anachronisms to Judy Blume's first generation of fans who met the Hatchers in the 1970s and 1980s, but will obviously not be blinked at by the intended audience of today's children. Though the world in which Blume is writing may have aged since she first endeared herself to young readers, her characters and their problems remain universally appealing. Two Hatcher families, two Farley Drexels and two girl cousins mean double trouble for adolescent Peter, double sympathy from pre-teen readers and most likely double fun for younger readers. As for Fudge, he's a little confused at first if it means fun or trouble for him, but he (and we) soon find out.

Double Fudge offers one alternative look at American values--Peter's cousins don't eat candy or watch TV--but by the end reassures us that the American childhood we know from books and films is still munching its popcorn, going to grade school and being smart with its parents. Long live super double Fudge! (Ages 7-12) --Olivia Dickinson

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