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David Geary : Graphic Java 2, Volume 2: Swing (3rd Edition)

Author: David Geary
Title: Graphic Java 2, Volume 2: Swing (3rd Edition)
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 1622
Date: 1999-03-22
ISBN: 0130796670
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Weight: 2.5 pounds
Size: 7.05 x 3.07 x 8.82 inches
Edition: 3
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Previous givers: 2 ssebeny (USA: CA), D'gou (USA: PA)
Previous moochers: 2 Michael Burton (USA: ID), Dan (USA: OR)
Description: Product Description
Graphic Java 2 is quite simply the most comprehensive guide to the Java Foundation Classes available. Written for experienced programmers looking for thorough and detailed explanations of the JFC libraries, Volume 2 covers all aspects of the swing framework. Swing is the long-awaited successor to the AWT's heavyweight components. It provides many components that AWT developers could previously only dream about -- or purchase -- such as Tooltips, tables, trees, sliders, a complete document framework, and more. This book provides comprehensive coverage of the Swing framework, the designs behind it, and the use of Swing components. Thousands of experienced Java developers are ready to move beyond AWT's limits. This book shows them how to do so. Together with Graphic Java Volume 1 (AWT) and Volume 3 (2D API), it gives developers all the tools they need to build professional, customizable cross-platform applications that fully leverage the new Java Foundation Classes -- and to deliver those applications fast. Review
If you're developing software that will be used by a large group of people, you need to give it a good-looking front-end--in Java 2, that means you have to use Swing. An excellent resource, Graphic Java 2: Mastering the JFC, Third Edition (Volume 2: Swing) takes on the Swing components one at a time and shows you how to incorporate them into attractive, efficient programs.

In many ways, Graphic Java 2 is a cookbook. You search the table of contents or index for a reference to the kind of problem you want to solve, then examine the author's examples for the solution (or at least some clues to it). This is the book to turn to if you're wondering how to implement the JComboBox.KeySelectionManager interface (which enables users to select items in a combo box) or compare the various ways of making the JTree component into a file browser. Those are just two of hundreds of examples in David Geary's book.

While most examples don't serve any practical purpose by themselves, they do clearly illustrate how a specific aspect of Swing works. It's easy to adapt the details presented here into your own programs. Geary shows consideration for the reader by presenting all his examples as programs that can be compiled and including them on the enclosed CD-ROM. --David Wall

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