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tennantfamily (United Kingdom) : member bio

Name: tennantfamily (United Kingdom)
Userid: tennantfamily

Inventory: 0
Points: 18.3
Mooched/given: 613/1963
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 0.33:1

Wishlist: 0
Feedback: +1960
Smooches: 36
Charitable gifts: 272
Charity received: 10
Friends: 18
Cancelled requests: 57
Books receiving lost: 9
Books sending lost: 10
Rejected requests: 27

Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2008/10/09
Last here: 1691 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United Kingdom

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:

When I can I get to the nearest Post Office (usually weekly). In order to save on postage I encourage multimooching. One point returned for all Bookmooch journal mooches abroad after the first journal, to be posted together. Postage abroad will be by surface mail. I have had to change my status to ask first as many books are now costing me more to send than they can be purchased for in that country and I am on a small pension. I have also removed a lot of books that have been on my inventory for 5+ years, and taken them to a charity shop. I will probably clear out the remainder and start again with a new inventory over the next few weeks/months.
There may be occasions when I delay posting and particularly journals abroad, I can not send over a certain weight limit, of 1 kg. Additionally I hate journals getting lost, so 6 is the maximum number within this weight limit, that I will send in one batch. Please only request journals if you are a friend of the journal library and willing to pass journals on promptly wherever they are requested. `
If mooching journals please mooch more than one at a time if possible!
We will try to meet requests from people everywhere (& certainly ones unavailable elsewhere or needed for study), but as our post bill for BookMooch is enormous we reserve the right to decline to send books very occasionally or to delay sending.

For the Bookmooch Journal Library please use the clickable link in blue below.

Home page:


Please join journalling, but remember the journal creator retains ownership, do not retain a journal for more than two weeks after receipt, send out promptly when asked, and if you can not send abroad sort out an angel yourself who is willing to send out for you.
In my opinion from the receipt of a journal to it's being sent to the next requestor should not exceed six weeks in total, excluding dead time in one's inventory, but including making an entry, relisting, accepting a request and posting out.
Those who do not stick to these conditions will have future requests from me cancelled.

We have more than 70 BookMooch journals listed now:
The Art of Chinese Paperfolding, (Being held by another journaller despite mooch months ago)
BMJournal Nature, time and patience are three great physicians,
BMJournal My World,
BMJournal Nature will have her course,
BMJournal Blooming Beautiful,
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
All buttoned up...
Keep buttoned up...
Antonio tell us a story,
Rainbow,(Being held by another journaller despite mooch months ago so I have recreated it as ANOTHER RAINBOW with new number)
Christmas carols from many lands,
Slugs and snails and puppy dog tails,
Grand memories of grandparents,
Super "steps", (for stepparents and stepchildren)
May contain nuts,
Altaired images,
Anything and everything Welsh / Cymru am byth!
Earliest memories,
Don't stop me now!
Sweet and sour: (on your) Marks, get set, cook!
Savoury and sweet: take a gill of milk and a dozen eggs,
'Tis the season to be jolly!
Delectable dragonflies!
Delightful damselflies,
Amazing mazes,
January - the blackest month in all the year,
Quaint creatures of myths and customs,
February - Februeer doth cut and shear,
Herbs, heavenly and hellish,
Lost histories,
Sugar and spice and all things nice...,
1,000 places to see before you die - Part Two,
March - the droghte of March,
Can't see the wood for the trees,
Punch and Jokey,
My favourite children's TV programme,
An alphabet of birds,
April - April with his shoures soote,
An alphabet of animals,
When I'm sixty-four,
72 things to do, with children, on a wet, windy day (in 3 volumes),
48 things to do, with children, on a dry, sunny day (in two volumes),
May - the darling buds of May,
The book of hills,
Lost causes,
June - the leafy month of June,
The book of water,
A nice cup of tea,
Unlikely friendships,
July - next July we collide with Mars?
Poetry and nature,
Dawn, daybreak, sunrise,
Local heroes,
The book of water,
Magic moments,
Missing words mixtionary,
Day: morning, mid-day, afternoon,
Illustrated nursery rhymes,
Happy birthday teenager: a devil's world,
Mr. Men (for Bella's daughter),
August - August for the people,
Dusk, sunset, gloaming,
Dark, night and the witching hour,
September - September blow soft,
If music be the food of love,
Fossils (for Bella's son),
Beautiful butterflies,
Surf and surfing,
3 wordless melodies,
October - What of October that ambiguous month?
Gorgeous goats,
November - who hears November at the gate?
Turn over a new leaf,
A for 'orses.
B for mutton,
C for yourself,
ch is for,
D for 'mation,
dd is for,
E for brick,
F for 'vescence,
ff is for,
G for police,
ng is for,
H for coming out tonight,
There's nowt as queer as folks,
Pirates and buccaneers,
Cold as ice volume two,
Animals in landscape postcards,
Churches in portrait postcards,
Postcards of birds,
Postcards of animals,
Postcards of Italy 3,
Postcards of Germany 3,
Oh yes, wait a minute Mr. Postman,
Postcards of the Netherlands ~ landscape,
Postcards of France ~ landscape,
Domestic animals in landscape postcards,
Postcard Portrait of the Netherlands,
Postcards of Italy 2,
Castles in picture postcards,
Postcards of Paris ~ landscape,
Postcards of the Middle East and Asia,
Postcards -Postcards of Germany/Deutschland durch Postkarten,
Postcards of Africa,
Postcards of Greece,
Postcards of Austria,
Postcards of Eastern Europe,
Postcards of Spain,
Postcards of the Netherlands,
Postcards of France,
Optical illusions,
Postcards of Italy,
Postcards of Germany,
Postcards of London,
Postcards of London,
Postcards of London,
Postcards of Switzerland,
Postcards of Paris,
Postcards of Canada,
Postcards of the Caribbean Islands, Mexico, Central and South America,
Postcards of Nordic Lands: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden & territories,
Postcards of Britain: Eire, Northern Ireland & Wales,
Postcards of Britain: the South coast, home counties and midlands of England,
Postcards of Britain: Bonnie Scotland,
Postcards of Britain: East Anglia and the Wash,
Postcards of Britain: the Borders and Roses Counties,
Postcards of Britain: the South-west,
Postcards of Britain: Cumbria and the Lake District,
A flying visit to the United States thro' postcards,
Transport through Postcards,
Postcards of paintings,
Weird and wonderful animals,
Dance the night away,
The best days of your life…,
Our favourite bookplates,
Anything and everything 'Earthish': the World we live in,
Gerard Hoffnung,
Casting a favourite book,
Wonders of nature,
Pattern journal,
Flowers of meadow and vale,
Original designs,
Original Poetry,
What was the question?,
Women who inspire us,
Days to remember ~ Celebration!,
My favourite (sixth) sense,
My favourite texture,
My favourite taste,
My favourite smell,
Language of any stripe,
My favourite sight,
My favourite sound,
A nice cup of tea or two,
Colours that are but skin-deep: glamorous greys,
There’s nothing funny about getting old,
I share my birthday with…
Colours that are but skin-deep: in the pink,
A perfect breakfast,
Roald is my Dahl-ing,
Mammock pie – uses for surpluses and gluts,
December - Old December's bareness everywhere,
Do you know who I am? A journal of detection and discovery. BEWARE!

I'd like them to travel as far and have as varied contents as possible! Please look for them in the Journals site, which can be reached directly or through About BookMooch, Wiki and then BookMooch journals is listed under the resources. There will be some illustrations of all of them available shortly. Get involved!

If you are interested in being involved in the Anything and everything series please email me! So far we have Anything and everything Scots - from Rosie, Anything and everything American, deep South edition from Jenny (jfit) 5 USA editions now exist other editions promised have not yet been issued, so anyone interested please get in touch! The more the merrier!

We joined bookmooch on a recommendation from a cix conference and have been overwhelmed! 500 books have been mooched in our first 4 months, 1000 in 9 months, some before we have finished listing them! Our books range from new to inherited from grandparents, from "as new" to "only mooch this if you are desparate for a copy", in several languages, and cover a huge range of subjects from blood transfusion to childrens books in Welsh!
If damaged books are requested these are posted bagged in strong plastic which can be used to make a cover, and prevents pages or covers getting further damaged. Please read our condition notes, we try to describe all things which may put moochers off a book. If you ask before looking and then reject the mooch we will not be offended or upset. Our books are looking for the right homes!

We live in wonderful wild woolly West Wales, but we have run out of walls, shelves and loft-space. So we are busy listing as many as we can to clear a bit of shelf space for ones we haven't yet read. I HAVE read most of the ones we list, but one of us grew up with two librarian parents and our elder son writes (over 100 titles so far).

We post out as soon as we can get to a post office, but we are very rural and have lots of animals to milk and look after, so be patient!

In October 2008 all our rural Post Offices were closed down so unless I have a reason to go to the nearest town posting may be delayed, although our local postmen are brilliant. We try to post as soon as possible, but also try not to spend an hour or more driving and burning fuel if we don't need to. We also reuse jiffy bags and other packaging (including feed sacks) whenever possible, and have just found a ready source in the nearest record/CD store. We often have to use tape because we are reusing or 'inventing' packaging.

We have sold on Ebay for a number of years and know the value of good communications and information about items on offer.

PLEASE read the condition notes, we do try to list everything and anything relevant, and add a note to the first mooch if you are still browsing our inventory, and to the last to say "That's the lot".

Post abroad will be probably be surface mail because of cost, and with re-used jiffy bags or other recycled materials whenever possible. Grain sacks are good, but let us know if you have an allergy!
Because of an ever-increasing postal bill, due to rising costs, and only when requesting a fraction of the number of books we send out, we have decided to mark in the condition notes some heavy books "OWN COUNTRY OR MULTI-MOOCH ONLY". Please don't be offended, it's that or leave BookMooch or only agree to send to the UK, which we don't want to do.
Please leave us feedback, and if there is a problem mail us!

We have BookMooch friends in these countries:
Algeria, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belize, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, China, Cyprus, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, the Philippines, the Russian Federation, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, the U.K. (England, Scotland and Wales), the U.S.A. (Alabama, California, Conneticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah and Washington), and Zambia.

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angel_requests_2010_may, bookmooch_blog, bookmooch_journals, discussion, inactive_accounts_cleanup_project, things_to_do_with_books_besides_read_them.