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IreneF (USA: CA) : member bio

Name: IreneF (USA: CA) (on vacation)
Userid: irenef

Inventory: 0
Points: 0.3
Mooched/given: 610/443
Pending mooch/give: 0/1
Mooch ratio: 1.19:1

Wishlist: 2010
Feedback: +440
Smooches: 9
Charitable gifts: 1
Charity received: 3
Cancelled requests: 76
Books receiving lost: 8
Books sending lost: 12
Rejected requests: 8

Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2009/03/30
Last here: 293 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
Message from Bookmooch: Please do not continue to issue complaints against this account if you have done so previously. The bio message previously displayed by this member has been removed and will not be re-posted.

When this member and other possible household members making use of this account returns to active status, no further offending communications related to his/her mooch requests or feedback will be acceptable.

All member complaints are anonymous, and any attempt to confront those having issued these complaints will not be permitted.

We are doing our best to mediate this situation and to be fair to all involved.

We understand some feel we should have have become involved in these issues sooner, and we may have been remiss in not doing so, our apologies.

(updated 19 May)

We have now sent a series of ten e-mails over two weeks to this member in which all her account issues have been explained in great depth.

Our overview of her complaints, with a pathway to preventing future complaints was two pages in length, and was compiled by several people in tech support. We again requested a detailed response and yet only received a one line reply, as was the case with our earlier queries.

The account is fully accessible right now, with only limitations on new mooch requests for a trial period.

Again, please do not complain if you have done so previously. We will not be closing this account. Your complaints have been kept anonymous as is always the case. We value and respect abuse reports if you feel any member has acted badly in any way, but please do ask you understand that not all complaints lead to an account being closed as we try and give people a chance to work their way back into good standing.

We could not possibly operate Bookmooch without the help of members who let us know when something is amiss. We do our very best to mediate every situation which arises and so ask you all please respect this process and give it time. If someone does not improve after such an attempt at mediation then further steps may be taken.


We want to make it 100% clear that under no circumstances would we have ever violate the trust people place in us when they choose to issue an anonymous abuse report rather than confront a Bookmooch member they feel to have acted badly. This member continues to ask us to reveal details that would make it apparent who had reported her and when. We will simply not reveal such information no matter how many times someone insists we do so. Any claims that we have revealed any information that would expose the member who has complained to possible retribution/revenge are false. We have never done so, and please be assured we will not do so in this case. Bookmooch entirely depends on anonymous abuse reports to function, so please do not hesitate to send in your reports whenever you feel it appropriate to do so.