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Deborah Phillips (USA: TX) : member bio

Name: Deborah Phillips (USA: TX)
Userid: dphillips

Inventory: 0
Points: -14.1
Mooched/given: 123/156
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 0.69:1

Wishlist: 0
Feedback: +155
Smooches: 1
Charitable gifts: 4
Charity received: 3
Friends: 1
Cancelled requests: 14
Books receiving lost: 2
Books sending lost: 1
Rejected requests: 5

Will send: only to my country
Joined: 2009/03/28
Last here: 4614 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 0

A voracious reader in Spanish and English, I am an unemployed veteran teacher, so if I get too many requests all at once, I may have to turn some down. I usually send books on weekends.

I recenrly relocated from the Dallas-Fort Worth TX area and am still unpacking from our huge two-car garage. Please be aware that I may not have unpacked every single book in my inventory, but this relocation has been so long in finalizing and I had my account on vacation so long, that I was anxious to get back with Book Mooch.

I joined Eco-libris, and I earnestly recommend you check it out. If you are anything like me you may want to support it too. In my humble opinion just as Book Mooch is a great venue, by choosing to be part of Eco-libris, I can see that trees are planted to help better our earth. And since I read so much, I want to make a contribution to affect a balance.

Thanks in advance for sending me books/mooching from me.

Happy reading!