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Sarah (USA: GA) : member bio

Name: Sarah (USA: GA) (on vacation)
Userid: bellamar

Inventory: 0
Points: 3.8
Mooched/given: 361/185
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 1.40:1

Wishlist: 78
Feedback: +181
Smooches: 19
Charity received: 5
Friends: 12
Cancelled requests: 45
Books receiving lost: 7
Books sending lost: 2
Rejected requests: 6

Will send: worldwide
Joined: 2009/02/09
Last here: 645 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
April 15th, 2009 – Today I spent nearly $25.00 shipping out only two books internationally. Because of that I have decided to post this note. I just wanted to let my fellow moochers know that I am happy to send books out all over the world. However, if I find that the fees are too high at the post office due to certain books destinations I will let moocher know that I may need a second mooch to help compensate for the shipping. I also hope that if I mooch a book and it cost someone else too much money that they will feel free to let me know so that I can do the same for them. This is a wonderful community and I want to help assist as much possible in creating positive dealings between its members. Happy Mooching to all and I hope every finds exactly what they are looking for.

November 20, 2010
I'm posting books in bulk today since I have them piled up everywhere but I won’t be able to send them all out at the same time. I'm more or less sending them according to the price of shipping and my budget each week. I will do first come first serve and I'll send them out in order in which they are received. I may send domestic before international but only because I have to drive to the post office in order to mail them and I can mail the others from my home. Mooching more than one book always helps as well. I hope everyone understands. Once I'm able to catch my shipping up then I'm sure I'll be back to sending a day or two after I receive a request but for now this will have to do.

Happy Mooching

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I’m an avid reader and I try to keep myself on a diet of at least one book a day when ever possible. I am very….no, extremely partial to Historical Romances. My second favorite type of book being Paranormal Romance followed by just about any kind of Romance. Books are my escape from reality and I so desperately need that from time to time so the more fiction the better. Most of my books are used and come from used book stores or bookmooch and I try to list there appearance but keep in mind that they are used all the same. I have a smoke free household but I do have furry friends. But for those of you who decide to mooch from me shouldn’t have much fear of fur. My furry friends find blueprints much more entertaining and I have accepted that it is my lot in life to unroll plans and find the occasional sprinkle of cat hair among my designs. I mail several times a week so unless I am hit with a huge amount of mooches you can expect to receive your book in a reasonable amount of time.